In the year 1974 on 20th December a representative committee gathered at Ernakulam St.Peters Chapel under the chairmanship of then Ramban Very Rev. Yakob (Late Yakob Mor Julius Metropolitan) was instrumental in the re-organization of the Sunday School Association of Jacobite Syrian Church. H.G Thomas Mor Dionysius [Presently H.B Baselios Thomas I Catholicose](1974 - 1984), H.G Samuel Mor Philaxinos Metroplitan (1984 - 1985), H.G Kuriakose Mor Coorilose Metroplitan (1985 -1995), H.G Joseph Mor Gregorios Metroplitan [Presently Malankara Metroplitan](1995 - 2003), H.G Yuhanon Mor Militos Metroplitan (2003 - 2009), H.G Kuriakose Mor Dioscorus Metroplitan (2009 - 2012), H.G Mathews Mor Aprem Metroplitan (2012 - 2019) undertook the presidentship of the association during the past years.
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